Save An Extra 7% On ANY Hunter Douglas Product!!

Yes, you read that right!!  Bazaar Home Decorating is offering a 7% discount on the purchase of ANY Hunter Douglas blind or shade made between March 14 and March 30!  We are offering this deal to help area homeowners in the Milwaukee and Waukesha area beat the Hunter Douglas price increase.

On April 3rd, Hunter Douglas will be increasing the prices on almost the entire product line 3%-5%.  With our 7% off promotion, you can now save up to 12% off the prices after the price increase.


This amazing savings event allows for us to offer Triple Dip Savings on popular Hunter Douglas products:

  1.  Save 7% Instantly on the entire Hunter Douglas product line
  2. Save $25-$50 on Duette, Silhouette, and Vignette Shades with Hunter Douglas Mail-In Rebates
  3. Save Instantly on Duette & Vignette shades with FREE Top Down/Bottom Up Upgrades!


PLUS, order more and save more with our $85 Installation Special.  We will come out to your home and professionally install you new Hunter Douglas blinds and shades for one great price.  Depending on your location a gas surcharge may apply.  Please see Bazaar Home Decorating Staff for all the details!